Music Ministry. This group (praise teams, choirs) provide godly song service for especially our worship services, out services, VBS and funerals. Provide choirs for Mother’s and Father’s Day. Under the direction of the Minister of Music, organize training and rehearsals for members of all ages (i.e., children, youth). Two assistant managers are to assist with the execution. The group is responsible for at least one musical celebration/concert. They report directly to the Pastor. The Minister of Music is Bro. Ernie Byrd, Jr.
Media Ministry. This group manages the sound, video, and recording equipment in primarily our worship services, bible studies, church meetings, funerals and other approved events. They manage the marketing of media products (e.g., CDs and DVDs). Sis. Felicia Byrd and Bro. James Brockmans are the managers.
Ignite Dance Ministry. This provides godly and expressive interpretive presentations combining praise dance and mime for members of all ages. Breanna Henry and Brielle Edwards Norman are the managers.
Ushers and Nurses Ministry. This group works at welcoming people to the sanctuary and assists with congregational orderliness. This group provides pulpit supplies for the Pastor and other clergy. They assist with medical issues that may take place during a worship service. This group also manages the security monitoring. Sis. Josephine Brownlee and Leatrice Williams are the managers.
Community Relations. This group creates activities for the church to partner with the community and partners with events that are primarily in the Avondale area. The annual coat drive and turkey giveaway are under their management. Events should include sharing the plan of salvation and prayer as the occasions present themselves. This group follows up on communication forms and sign-in sheets. Bro. Ozie Davis & Calvert Smith, Jr. are the managers.
General Missions. This group ministers to local nursing homes, the homebound, and others who may need prayer and comfort and partners with the Deacon/Deaconess Ministry. This group regularly studies the convention’s mission book and fellowships with other mission groups in the city and in the local association. Sis. Margaret Johnson is the manager.
Hospitality Ministry. This group is responsible for conducting the Sunday morning announcements, leading the church’s anniversary and picnic, assisting with the Pastor’s Anniversary, assist with repasses, and promoting fellowship throughout the church. Sis. Natasha Edwards is the manager.
Marriage Ministry. This group manages year-round projects aimed at helping married couples be disciples of Christ and models of a Christian, biblical marriage to the rest of the congregation. These representatives serve under the Christian Education Manager. The Kittles and the Phams are the managers.
Membership Orientation Ministry. This group teaches the Membership Orientation material to the newer members, manages the “get acquainted sessions” with the Pastor, ensure newer members are assigned to a deacon/deaconess, assist newer members with baptism and first communion affairs, and help them connect with an active ministry. Bro. Keith Caldwell is the manager.
Van Ministry. This group manages the transporting of members to 9:00 a.m. morning worship service. and after Sunday School 10:45 a.m. They also provide transportation for other trips, as the situation calls for such services. Min. Andre Kittles and Jason Winbush are the managers.
Children Ministry. This group meets Sunday during the 9:00 a.m. worship service. This ministry group offers year-round worship and structured group activities for those under the age of 12 years old. There are also enrichment projects scheduled throughout the year for fun and outreach. C.O.R.E. Values and enrichment curriculum is taught and reinforced. The representative serves under the Christian Ed. Manager. Min. Valerie Cunningham is the representative.
Christian Education Ministry. This group involves the administration and coordination of educational programs or strategies to facilitate the spiritual growth or discipleship of believers of all ages into Christlikeness. It is the directing of the process of human development toward God’s objective for mankind: godliness of character and action. It bends its efforts to the end “that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. They will organize the Vacation Bible School and partner with the Pastor in planning a total church conference. The following mangers are a part of this ministry: Children, Marriage, Men, Sunday School, Women and Youth. Sis. Shauna Murphy is the representative.
Men Ministry. This group manages year-round projects aimed at helping men be disciples of Christ. This involves training for boys, teenage boys and young adult men on their way to full maturation. Assist with repasses, special teachings, fellowship projects, and workshops are planned. These representatives serve under the Christian Education Manager. Bro. Michael Davis is the manager.
Sunday School Ministries. This group offers devotional and educational studies at 10:45 a.m. on Sunday for children, youth, and adults. They manage the Black History Readings, Easter Pageant, “Back to School” Give Away, Promotion Day, and Christmas Pageant. These representatives serve under the Christian Education Manager. Sis. Joyce Johnson is the manager.
Women Ministry. This group manages year-round projects aimed at helping women be disciples of Christ. This involves training for girls, teenage girls and young adult women on their way to full maturation. Assist with repasses, special teachings, fellowship projects, and workshops are planned. These representatives serve under the Christian Education Manager. Sis. Sharon Ward and Sis. DeAnna Banks are the managers.
Youth Ministry. This group offers year-round fellowship, study, and service projects for our teenagers. There are also enrichment projects scheduled throughout the year for fun and outreach. C.O.R.E. Values and enrichment curriculum is taught and reinforced. These representatives serve under the Christian Education Manager. Sis. Shauna Murphy and Min. Andre Kittles are the representatives.
Budget Committee. This group is responsible for assisting the Pastor in preparing and presenting the annual church budget. This committee should assist the treasurers monitor the budget every month by reviewing the actual dollars that came in, the actual dollars that went out and analyzing any variances. Midyear adjustments may be made to the budget when projections fall short or unexpected expenses come up. Sis. Leah Stewart is the manager.
Church Clerk. This position manages the recording, reading, and filing of especially the church business meeting and cabinet meeting minutes. Sis. Brenda Stewart and Sis. Melissa Winbush are the church clerks.
Deacon Ministry. This group of ordained Deacons assist the Pastor with modeling discipleship (i.e., C.O.R.E Values), ministering to troubled members (e.g., hospitalized, bereavement, benevolence, nursing home, homebound, baptism, etc.), assisting with worship affairs (e.g., ordinances, devotion, homegoing services, etc.), and serving as a personal concierge to the body. They report directly to the Pastor. Deacon Art Davis is the manager.
Deaconess Ministry. This group of respected trained discipled women assist the Pastor with modeling discipleship (i.e., C.O.R.E Values), ministering to troubled members (e.g., hospitalized, bereavement, nursing home, homebound, etc.), assisting with worship affairs (e.g., ordinances, etc.), and assisting repasts and baptism. The “Mothers” are respected aged ladies (i.e., advanced years and exemplary service) who are duty bound to pray for the church, urge the discipleship of the members, and carryout miscellaneous assignments from the Pastor. Sis. Gloria Glover and Lauressie Valentine are the managers.
Pastor’s Love Ministry. This group manages the details and events related to the Pastor’s anniversary services, birthday gifts, and Christmas gifts. Sis. Margaret Chiles and Sis. Dionne Barnett are the managers.
Personnel Committee. This group is an example of a guiding council for church. The personnel committee assists the Pastor with ensuring policies, procedures, and processes are in place to support church staff and volunteers. This includes but is not limited to performance reviews, salaries and the like. This essential team also ensures that the ministry operation is compliant with state and federal labor laws. Sis. Celeste Goodloe and Bro. Clyde Henderson are managers.
Treasurer. This position is responsible for ensuring that the church’s money is properly deposited, bills are paid appropriately, and reports are generated in a timely fashion. They report directly to the Pastor. Bro. Michael Davis and Sis. Leah Stewart are the treasurers.
Trustee Ministry. This group assists the Pastor with managing the property, business, and financial affairs of the church. Because of the nature of these duties, church agreement is needed to serve in this ministry group. Counters are selected and managed by this group. An annual church cleanup is led by this group. They report directly to the Pastor. Sis. Katrina Powell and Bro. John Hughes are the managers.